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"Maddock’s Val Xavier is an honest and convincing performance, intense." - Bill Rodriguez PROVIDENCE PHOENIX
"It is Rae Mancini as Jabe’s wife, Lady, and Kyle Maddock as the charming guitar-toting drifter, Val, who carry this production. Maddock continues to turn in impressive work as Val, a man who can “burn down” a woman, if he wants. He’s careful not to overplay his feelings, to keep a tight lid on his emotions, making him all the more tantalizing." - Channing Gray, PROVIDENCE JOURNAL
"Kyle Maddock plays Val with superb charisma and genuine sincerity that envelops the audience much like his character's effect on the townspeople." - Christopher Verleger EDGE
"Lockstock's lines are clever, witty and humorous and are delivered perfectly by one of the biggest scene stealers, Kyle Maddock. He has proven his acting capabilities in past URI shows, "Les Liaisons Dangereuses" and "Diary of Anne Frank" but he gets to show off his strong singing and dancing talents as this character." -Tony Annicone, The THEATER MIRROR
"Maddock is physically perfect as Bo. Maddock's hormone-fueled, thick-headed, naive Bo is incredibly, and appropriately, annoying." - Randy Rice BROADWAYWORLD.COM
"It is Rae Mancini as Jabe’s wife, Lady, and Kyle Maddock as the charming guitar-toting drifter, Val, who carry this production. Maddock continues to turn in impressive work as Val, a man who can “burn down” a woman, if he wants. He’s careful not to overplay his feelings, to keep a tight lid on his emotions, making him all the more tantalizing." - Channing Gray, PROVIDENCE JOURNAL
"Kyle Maddock plays Val with superb charisma and genuine sincerity that envelops the audience much like his character's effect on the townspeople." - Christopher Verleger EDGE
"Lockstock's lines are clever, witty and humorous and are delivered perfectly by one of the biggest scene stealers, Kyle Maddock. He has proven his acting capabilities in past URI shows, "Les Liaisons Dangereuses" and "Diary of Anne Frank" but he gets to show off his strong singing and dancing talents as this character." -Tony Annicone, The THEATER MIRROR
"Maddock is physically perfect as Bo. Maddock's hormone-fueled, thick-headed, naive Bo is incredibly, and appropriately, annoying." - Randy Rice BROADWAYWORLD.COM